Salaams !

This is a special offer for couples. If you are married, please keep reading. If not, I do apologize and you maybe you can pass on this information to a couple who might be able to use it?

Are you tired of having the same arguments over and over again? Even though you have the best of intentions, do you feel you cannot help get into the same stuff again and again. Are you not sure what the problem really is? Or maybe you just want to learn more about the state of your partnership?
If any of these sound like you, I want to introduce you to something I have been working with for many years and now it is online and very easy.

What is the Gottman Relationship Checkup?

The Gottman Relationship Checkup is a comprehensive assessment tool developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, renowned experts in the field of couples therapy. With over 40 years of research and expertise, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have dedicated their lives to helping couples build stronger, healthier relationships. The Gottman Relationship Checkup is the culmination of their life's work, providing couples like you with valuable insights and guidance to improve your relationship.

This assessment is now completely online and completed by you and your spouse individually. Once both of you complete it, you set up and appointment with me to go over the results which include a clear understanding of what are your relationship strengths and challenges and what you can do to make progress on strengthening your relationship.

Why do it now?

I am pleased to offer a discounted fee for the Relationship Checkup and the feedback session for 10 couples during the month of June. The regular price of the Relationship Checkup and one feedback session is $400. For the first 10 couples to sign up and complete the Relationship Checkup in June, there is a discounted price of $250.

How Does It Work?

  1. Reply to this email and tell me you are interested in this offer.
  2. I will send you an invoice for payment. Once you pay, I will set you up on the online platform.
  3. Accept your invitation: I will send you and your partner separate email invitations to join the Gottman Relationship Checkup.
  4. Create a private profile: Once you accept the invitation, you and your partner will each create individual profiles.
  5. Complete the questionnaire: You and your partner will each complete your own questionnaire at your convenience. The questionnaire is fully confidential, and neither of you will be able to access each other's responses. It takes can take approximately two hours to complete and you can take breaks as needed.
  6. Get your results: When both of you have completed the questionnaire, I will receive the results. I will review the scores and analysis with you, and suggest a personalized treatment plan to strengthen your relationship.

Benefits of the Gottman Relationship Checkup:

  • Understand the root of your relationship issues
  • Receive personalized treatment recommendations based on research-backed insights.

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier relationship? Reply to this email and register your interest for the Gottman Relationship Checkup special offer and get started today!

Warm blessings and regards,


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