It is not what you do once a year that makes or breaks your relationship
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Salaams !

It is almost here. February 14th. Valentine's Day [not a big fan]. The day when many of us feel pressured to declare and show our love in grand gestures and gifts and surprises.

Well, I am here to tell you: please do not bother. If you have not paid attention to your relationship in the other 364 days of the year, what you do on Valentine's Day is unlikely to make up for it.

Why? Because the health of our relationships is not about grand gestures done for special occasions. It is about the small everyday things. The health of our relationships is about daily moments of connection, small kindnesses and acts of love and commitment that happen during the course of our every day lives. Things that are easy to do and just as easy to forget about when life gets in the way.

So while "don't sweat the small stuff" may be popular life advice, it is not helpful for relationships. In relationships,
it is all about the small stuff and it would benefit us to start sweating just a bit!
Instead of sweating about how to make this Valentine Day super special, how about using this Valentine’s Day to start becoming intentional about our relationships so that they can thrive all 364 days of the year? It is actually much easier than you imagine.

So, if your relationship could do with a little [or major] boost, do check out our relationship challenge:
30 Simple Practices to Grow Great Love. It is an online program with 30 days of inspiration, motivation and encouragement to reboot and revitalize your long term relationship. It is a Valentine's gift that will keep benefitting you for a long long time [and it costs less than a dozen red roses on Valentines'!]

Here is the link to check it out. [registration closes soon and program starts on February 14th]

Warm blessings


ps: know a friend or loved one who could use this about now? please do share this email and this link

pps: in case you are wondering, this program is open to both men and women and your registration covers both of you to engage in the program. Once you sign up, simply send me your spouses email in case they want to get the email separately.

Here is the link again

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